The Village has completed the Phase I Preliminary Engineering Study to determine the preferred alternative to improve the three closely spaced intersections involving Rand Road, Illinois Route 83, Kensington Road, and the nearby Rand Road corridor. The intersections form a triangle that experiences operational issues daily. Long delays to get through the intersection are a common complaint from motorists. As a result, nearby local streets experience cut-through traffic on a daily basis. Timing adjustments and small road improvements have been made over the years, with minor improvements to traffic. The preferred alternative includes adding turn lanes, modernizing traffic signal equipment, drainage improvements, adding street lighting, and constructing new bike and pedestrian facilities that will provide significant enhancements to the transportation system that will benefit motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, nearby businesses, and our residents.
The Village has applied for and received multiple County, State, and Federal grants and other funding for the project. As such, the project is required to follow the federal project development procedures in coordination with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Phase I (preliminary engineering) is complete with the preferred alternative selected. The Village is currently in Phase II (right-of-way acquisition and design engineering), where the project plans and specifications are developed, and the property is acquired. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026.
The Village Board of Trustees accepted the Rand Road Corridor Plan in February 2017. This comprehensive plan considers land use, zoning, urban design, marketing characteristics, and transportation elements of the corridor. The Rand/IL83/Kensington Intersection Project is a primary implementation strategy of the Rand Road Corridor Plan.