The Village aims to address pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular issues at the Central Road Railroad crossing and the intersections of Central Road with Northwest Highway (US 14) and Prospect Avenue. A Phase I Engineering Study is the first step in rebuilding this crossing and intersection. Tasks of the study include performing a detailed survey of the project area, gathering vehicle, pedestrian, and train data, seeking public input on existing issues, evaluating potential environmental impacts, and developing alternative preliminary designs. The goal of the study is to determine the preferred alternative, develop a preliminary construction cost estimate, and secure preliminary approval from the Illinois Department of Transportation and Union Pacific Railroad.
The primary objectives of the project are to improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities, enhance safety for vehicles crossing the railroad tracks and traveling through the intersection, improve truck turning movements, address the blocked thru lane concerns on eastbound Central Road at the tracks, and enhance the aesthetics within the project area.
Due to the scope of work and stakeholders involved, this project will take several years to complete.