The Village’s traffic calming program is called the Friendly Neighborhood Streets Program (Program). The primary goal of traffic calming is to increase safety on neighborhood streets by slowing vehicle traffic and/or reducing the number of vehicles. The Program goes beyond this by also focusing on improving street infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists to increase safety for all users.
This Program is intended to address long-term traffic issues on neighborhood streets and was adopted at the May 21st, 2024, Village Board Meeting as an update to the previous traffic calming program. With this update, more streets are now eligible for traffic calming measures. Any resident who wishes to slow vehicles on their street or correct other perceived traffic issues can petition the Village to install traffic calming measures.
For a street to qualify for traffic calming, it must meet minimum speed or volume criteria outlined in the Program. For a resident-initiated project, neighborhood support must be shown before the Village reviews a project.
The documents section has links to the complete program and the petition sheets that residents must fill out to initiate a traffic calming project. Any resident wishing to submit a petition should contact Public Works to discuss the issue(s), request information on past traffic studies on their street, and determine petition requirements.